Template 5 – Organization Member

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September 1st 2021

The Honorable Patty Murray

RE: Assistance for Afghan Refugees

Dear Senator Murray,

My name is Jane Doe and I am a (farmhand / community member / small business owner etc…) in Clark County, Washington. I am also a member of the Partnership for Allied Legislative Support (PALS), a veteran-led organization seeking aid for our Afghan allies and their vulnerable families that still remain in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Whatever good we accomplished in that country would have been unachievable without our Afghan partners. They risked their lives for their belief in the democratic systems we would bring to their country, but we failed. 

Many of us have invested years of our lives in that country as a result of American foreign policy that has spanned four presidencies and two decades.We have lost friends, relationships, body parts, and mental health to support the decisions of our politicians. With the Taliban in control, those sacrifices seem to be in vain, but we can still be a beacon of American values by coming to the aid of those Afghans that fought alongside us. Abandoning them and their families in their time of need is morally unacceptable. Please help us justify our sacrifices by supporting the following initiatives: 

  1. Influence countries bordering Afghanistan (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan) to accept refugees and arrange for their safe passage to refugee camps.
  2. Ensure continued and efficient processing of Special Immigrant Visas, P1 and P2 refugees trying to flee Afghanistan.
  3. Provide resources necessary to assist with this process so that the refugee presence is as transitory as possible.

I know that I don’t fully understand the complexities of what I am asking, but I am willing to dedicate my time and provide remote volunteer assistance to achieve these goals. Please contact me at:

Mobile: 555-555-5555

Email: wafflehousecheese@gmail.com

Address: 1234 Dunkirk Dr,

    Vancouver, WA, 12345 ←It is important that your Rep sees you are in the geographical area that they care about. 


Jane Doe

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